Oct 8, 2015
No. 67
Prices Realized

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No. 71
Closing: 8pm, EST, November 29, 2019
Spanish Period & Provisionals
— US Administration
— Japanese Occupation
Republic Period —
Revenue & Miscellaneous
Examples of Lots Offered in Auction 71

LEFT Lot 4 – Scott #7 – Used. Fresh, vibrant colour with four good to excellent margins all around. Circle of Dots cancel, slightly smudged on bottom right, but not detracting from overall appearance. Very nice stamp and seldom seen as such. Scott Cat Value $1,110. MIDDLE Lot 207 – 323c (B/4)
– Mint (OG, NH). 20c with orange and brown shade. Imperforate bottom left corner margin block. Decent margins all around. Some minor toning on reverse causing odd tone spots. Largest recorded multiple recorded. Very fine. Scott Cat $3500.
RIGHT Lot 344 – NB8 PROOF – Mint (OG, NH). Unissued Souvenir Sheet whereabout 200,000 were printed but never issued. They were discovered in the vaults of the Main Post Office during the battle to retake Manila in 1945. Only about 100 intact copies survived the subsequent fire and wholesale looting. Very scarce and seldom offered so fine. (Reference: Garrett).
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Nigel Gooding
8 Avondale Avenue
Hinchley Wood
Surrey KT10 0DA
United Kingdom
Examples of Lots Offered in Auction 70

LEFT Lot 14 – Scott #17 – Mint (NG, HR). Vibrant colour and very generous margins. Beautiful looking stamp of this much sought after issue. Scarce. Scott Cat $650. Starting
at $200. MIDDLE Lot 320 – 1932 Flight
– First Regular Airmail cover from Manila to Baguio using Philippine Airmail Taxi. Stamps tied with 25 January 1932 slogan cancel. Affixed with imperf pairs (#323b and 343). Green handstamp cachet on front. Registered boxed cancel on reverse (dated 24 January). Addressed to W. Bruggmann. Minor toning otherwise a very attractive and scarce cover. Most likely unique usage. AAMC #70. Starting at $1000.
RIGHT Lot 362 – Edifil #7 (x2), Scott #133 (x7) – Partial Telegraph Receipt with a few stamps tied and with punched hole cancels. Two left stamps and right stamps on top removed. Highlight scarce usage of Scott 133 with Scott Cat $2,625 as used singles. With APS expertising certificate (No. 199342). Very scarce. Starting at $400.
Examples of Lots Offered in Auction 67

LEFT Lot 27 – Scott #93 Mint (NG, Light HR). DOUBLE
SURCHARGE Error. Average colour and base stamp shifted bottom left. Nice
clear doubling of surcharge. Very scarce stamp moreso with error. Starting
at $85. SOLD $275. MIDDLE Lot 137 – Scott
#s 290,
E5 – Bulacan to Massachusets, USA Special Delivery cover. Stamps tied
with Malolos – 8 Dec 1920 – Bulacan duplex cancel.
Very minor creasing around edges. Manila & Bauang Sur 8 Dec 1920 R.P.O. duplex cancel
on reverse. Lovely cover with scarce RPO transit usage.
Starting at $40. SOLD $81. RIGHT 2544A – 3p Centennial Logo
Overprint on 1994 base issue. MUH. B/8 top marginal block. Very difficult
issue, moreso in multiples of this size. Scott Cat
Value $600 as singles. Starting at $400. UNSOLD
Examples of Lots Offered in Auction 66
Prices Realised

LEFT Lot #62: Y3 – Mint (Dry OG, Light HR). Generally well centred for
this issue with fresh appearance. Good perfs. Seldom offered so fine. Scott
Cat $150. Starting at $100, Unsold. MIDDLE Lot #150: AAMC #37 – Manila to Aparri and Return. First Commercial Flight 1929. Signed
by Captain Calvo. C3, C8 and C11 tied with
Aeroplane cancel. Few tone spots and minor foxing around perfs. Only 25
covers flown and this being only the third cover known on cover with C8. Very
scarce showpiece. Cat Value for C8 as used $5000. Starting at $2,000. Sold
$2,620. RIGHT Lot #320: Tax Paid Liquor Stamps –
PRINTERS SAMPLE of the 1957 Auxiliary Labels. Scarce and very interesting
item. Very fine condition. Starting at $100.00, Unsold.